Our Intent
We aim to offer children an engaging and ambitious education in Computing which prepares them for the future. We know that using technology is an important part of modern-day life and, through our Computing lessons, we want our pupils to develop the knowledge and skills to use a range of devices safely, efficiently and confidently.
By the time that our pupils leave Broad Chalke, it is our aim that they will be 'digitally literate' and able to evaluate content which is accessed through a device carefully and engage online respectfully. We also ensure pupils develop knowledge and skills in computer science where they will explore how digital systems work. As well as this, children explore information technology where they consider how to use computer systems in order to create, store, retrieve and send information.
Our Implementation
Our vehicle for delivering Computing is Teach Computing by the National Centre for Computing Education. Teach Computing is a programme of learning built around an innovative progression framework where Computing content has been organised into interconnected networks which they call 'Learning Graphs'. The scheme has been developed by subject experts and offers children a range of practical opportunities to work on iPads and laptops to develop their familiarity and confidence with using these devices for a range of purposes.
For our pupils, we know that Computing offers a range of exciting experiences - from experimenting with Digital Drawing at the start of KS1 to creating their own games using Scratch or designing their own webpages in KS2, it is our goal that pupils have a wide range of engaging opportunities through our Computing curriculum.