Our Intent
It is our belief at Broad Chalke CofE Primary School that Geography is a fascinating subject for pupils to study as they develop a better understanding of the people and places of the world. We want our curriculum offer to spark curiosity in our pupils and promote an interest in the wider world and the communities and cultures that exist around the world.
We hope to promote a life-long love of Geography through engaging our pupils in learning about diverse places, people and resources. As we teach pupils about the study of natural and man-made environments as well as physical and human processes, we aim to give children a sense of awe and wonder about the world we live in.
A central part of the Geography curriculum is about learning knowledge from the National Curriculum but also practical skills such as those developed through fieldwork. Our classes engage in fieldwork in our school grounds and our local area to develop a better understanding of what surrounds them. This year, our Woodpecker class have enjoyed a visit to Bolderwood in the New Forest to undertake some fieldwork whilst our Cygnet class have enjoyed a local walk. Our Barn Owl class have studied the weather in our local area and our other classes are planning further fieldwork opportunities.
Our Implementation
Our vehicle for the teaching of Geography is Kapow Primary. Our teaching and learning is rooted in 'big thinking' questions which inspire research, further questions and a deeper understanding in Geography. The enquiry questions (such as Why do oceans matter? and Why is our world wonderful?) engage pupils in using empathy when learning about new places. We believe that by offering pupils the opportunity to learn about their locality, new places, both human and physical geography and experience geographical fieldwork we create pupils who have a lifelong love of learning in the subject.
Check out our curriculum overview below.