Our Intent
"A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.”
The National Curriculum - 2014
At Broad Chalke CofE Primary School, we want pupils to engage with and enjoy a History curriculum which builds progressively and develops their knowledge and understanding of how life has been in the past. We aim for pupils to both ask and answer insightful questions in the subject and develop their skills across a range of areas: their chronological understanding, their historical knowledge, their interpretation skills, enquiry skills and understanding of historical links and vocabulary. As pupils learn about how Britain has changed over time, significant figures in History and great civilisations, their skills should develop well in all of these areas.
Our Implementation
The curriculum is structured in a way that allows children to make links between current and previous learning. Teachers use long term planning for History to make help pupils to draw comparisons between historical periods as well as develop children’s chronological knowledge and understanding from the Stone Age to present day. See our curriculum coverage document at the bottom of this page.
A Night at the Museum event (December 2023)
To celebrate our History learning from the term we turned our school into a museum!
Every class showcased a period from history, an event or person. Parents and carers were invited back into school to visit each room. Over 100 parents and carers visited!