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Our Intent

Our aim at Broad Chalke CofE Primary School is for all children to enjoy mathematics and have a secure and deep understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts and procedures when they leave us to go to begin their next step in education. We want children to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.

At Broad Chalke, we take a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics. As part of this, we work on the principle that all pupils can learn and enjoy mathematics and that, by sharing learning in small, manageable steps, we can support learners to make connections between prior and new learning in the subject. The mastery approach dictates that children, once meeting the objectives, are extended through questioning, deep analysis and exploration to broaden their knowledge. This ensures that concepts are fully and securely understood before moving onto new objectives. As part of this, we want there to be challenge for all pupils so that they are aspirational in their mathematical learning and conceptual understanding.

Lessons include a focus on number fluency, direct teaching, guided practice and finally, independent practice where children are able to apply what they have been taught. Using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach helps pupils to develop this independence; by using mathematical manipulatives, children can demonstrate their understanding and then use drawings as well as pure number work to express this within their work. 

Our Implementation

Our Maths planning is rooted in White Rose Maths. Long-term overviews can be seen below. In EYFS  children also take part in daily Mastering Number sessions to develop their early number fluency. Through the rest of the school, pupils develop their number fluency and understanding of number through Number Sense. Daily lessons take place in Year 1 and 2 and focused sessions take place in KS2 to help children develop a strong understanding of how numbers work and key calculation facts. Overviews can also be seen below. 


Times Table Rock Stars

In Key Stage 2, pupils use Times Table Rock Stars to support their fluency in learning times tables and number facts. Children are encouraged to use this app at home. Key Stage 2 competitions and class competitions are often organised which our children love!

Working Walls

Working Walls are used in every classroom to support the children's learning in Maths. These walls contain current learning and equip the children to become more independent learners.